Thursday 24 November 2016

'Corpse Bride' by Tim Burton

'Corpse Bride' is a stop motion movie about a victorian man who is getting married , so he goes to practice the ring placement. He places the ring on a branch  and now has himself a corpse bride who wants to be married. It was released in 2005 and had a budget of $40 million. It casted Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter who brought the film to life. I have seen the film many times and appreciate the concept of the dark spookiness  along side some silly jokes. The film was put  into creation after the film 'A Nightmare Before Chrsitmas' which is also a masterpiece. The film was dedicated a executive producer called Joe Ranft who passed away while the film was in the  middle of being made.

This film has inspired me make my work appear at times in the dark side to really get creative. It can end up weird and troubling but gives off the effect I want which can be shock and I want people to think hard towards my future work giving it different aspects.

'Autumnal Cannibalism' by Salvador Dali

'Autumnal Cannibalism'  is an oil paint on canvas piece which was created in 1936. It is 898 x 899 x 85 mm for the frame and the support shows as 651 by 651 mm which captivates emensce detail.  The piece was created to bring together the state after the Civil Spanish War; it shows  a couple holding each other while also trying Cannibalism which shows the extended to how bad the place was left. After the war. That background shows the remains of what the fight has done which it has cause the outer look to appear crumbled.  The legend of William tell is shown in the piece due to an apple placed on the male in the cannibal couple. The apple represent the story well of a man who had to shoot at his son.the apple shows a symbol to a target.

This piece inspires me to make my work  not just about anything but if I can include something powerful to move people emotionally like in Salvador dali's  painting.

'Mickey Mouse' by Walt Disney

'Mickey Mouse' is a cartoon character which was created by Walt Disney in 1928. The character first appeared in a  short film called 'Steam boat Willie' which turned out to be one the first talking cartoons. Walt Disney even voiced Mickey Mouse from 1928 till 1959. Walt Disney was inspired to make Mickey Mouse after a man called Mickey Rooney who was an actor who is actually the last known star from back in silent films which he appeared in.  This character  creation gives me inspiration to be joyful in my work to just let it be creative and fun. I age  followed Disney for along time. I love the films a lot and will never stop watching them. Seeing as my favourite  film is "The Little Mermaid".

This quote from Disney just shows to remember  how the journey started.

"I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing- that it was all started by a mouse." - Walt Disney, Disneyland; October 27, 1954

'A grand day out' by Nick Park

'A Grand Day Out' Is the first ever Wallace and Gromit production. It was released in 1989 and was created using stop motion with soft clay made characters. It was created by Nick Park when he was at The National Television School. He was finished with the film when he joined Aardman Animation Studios. It's lasts 24 minutes and had a budget of £11,000. It was about Wallace and Gromit (well known characters) who fly in a rocket ship to the moon to eat moon cheese as they have none at home. And they wanted to have an adventure. This has inspired me at a young age and even today to create a short film for my connect project at college as well inspiring my pieces to be as fun as Wallace and Gromit is to Nick Park.

'Thing's change' by Jo Peel

This piece was created in 2012 and was created upon a large wall which was located in Shoreditch, London. The whole scale painting rook around 3 weeks and was even filmed to create a stop motion film which lasted 3 minutes. She painted over and the repainted to create a moving image when the photos where all put together. This piece has inspired me to make a short film which will be drawn, rubbed out then redrawn again. This will go towards a final piece I'm doing at the moment for a project called 'connect'.

'Thinking of You' by Barbara Kruger

The first image that has inspired me is Barbara Krugers ' Thinking of You' piece. It was created in the year 1999/2000 and the pieces size is  312.7 by 255.7 cm. It was created using screenprint in vinyl; it uses the font style of Italic Futura Bold. She found the photograph of the index finger being poked at and attached the statement 'thinking of you', which I think expresses the idea of unknowing. Almost like a warning to be careful  wherever you are. She describes the piece to show self -awareness. This piece inspired me back in school to go off and create a piece like this for my own final piece for a project I had. It helped me genrate so many ideas such as making a stament and using bold italics to influence  my work. 

A+D Website : The Tate is a website which allows you to explore art and artists. You can find out information about an artist and their work or even just the work itself. There is  a clear understanding of how to gain that information as well as the website in total looking clean and fresh with new information. It explains where the tate galleries  are plus, how to get there. It let's you see what exibitions are happening and when so you can be there to experience it.

You can become a member  on the site which allows u to gain information on what's happening in the tate or even what's happening in the website.  The membership  also allows you to gain free access in any tate gallery to look at as much art as you want. It gives you a 10% discount on seasonal offers as well as other things. For 6 children aged 16 and under also have free access, so you can even bring family along as well.  A tate Etc. Magazine will be given to you as you will have a subscription to it.

As I have said you can find artists easily on the website. David Hockney appears on the website it let's you know what he is all about.  David Hockney a British artist who has ocupations of a stage designer, photographer, painter and printmaker. As a highly popular artist of the 20th century he did study from 1953 to 1957 at Bradford School of Art. He involves many aspects into his work such as poems which he messes around with to create secret messages. He even used these to create 'homosexual love' which was a collection of paintings he created.  Through his time he experimented with different paints to create different textured surfaces.

Next I found information on the  artist Pablo Picasso who's ocupation consists of designer, painter, lithographer, ceramist,  painter and sculptor. He attended The School Of Fine Arts In 1895 then in 1897 he attended Madrid Academy. His work consisted of inspiration to places he had been such as Paris in autumn as well as emotion which is expressed in his 'Blue period' where his pieces where deep  and meaningful. He even created 'cubism' along side Braque. 

Overall the tate website helps students and adults locate information  in artist's, plus their pieces. As well as providing amazing services such as a membership plus, the website  is updated very frequently which helps you know what is happening next at the tate galleries.

Sunday 20 November 2016


My second favourite  artist has to be Banksy. He has a hidden identity and has his work publicly shown without  selling any of it to anyone. He is an English artist who creates graffiti pieces commonly expressing political statements as well as dark humour elements. He is a political activist and gets his point across giving him a recognisable image.

My favourite thing Banksy has ever done was the exhibition of dismaland  which 's a play on words for Disney land. It was only temporary and was located in Weston-super-Mare in Somerset. Dismaland showed off Banksy's work and many other pieces from other artists. Banksy wanted a twisted Disney land to express the reality of life not what we r lead to belive in things such as Disney  in make believe. It made a high statement in my opinion.

It showed wacky things such as a turned up carriage with cinderella  in the window laying out of it slightly after what seems a crash. As well there were photographs being taken which express how drama can circle fast in today's society. My favourite part of dismaland  was the distorted ariel  which showed everything  is not what it is shown to be.

Salvedor dali

My first favorite artist has to be salvedor  dali who was known for photography, sculpture, paintings and more. He was involved in the movements of da da, cubism and of course surrealism.

In 1916 he attended a drawing school. After this in 1922 he moved to a student residence known as residenesa de estudiantes located in Madrid. Another place he studied afterwards was the real academia de bellas artes de San fernando.

My favourite piece of his called 'the persistence of memory' which I understand that this piece is highly recognised. It was created using oil paint on canvas and was completed in 1931. It's being held at the museum of modern art in New York and is 24 cm by 33cm in size.

The piece influences dali's hardness and softness theory which he was Trying out at the time.

I find the clocks to resemble time melting away. What we need to do is catch every minute and cherish it before its gone and while we can grab it metaphorically.